Chief Executive – The person appointed by Leigh Sports Village Company to manage the facilities or his/her Operations Director.
Hirer – Any individual group or club who, upon prior agreement, uses the facilities.
Premises – The whole or any part of the facility.

Any query arising over the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions, shall be determined by Leigh Sports Village Company.

  • The hiring of the premises shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions here after provided.
  • All correspondence must be addressed and forwarded to Leigh Sports Village Company, The Pavilion, Ledgard Avenue, Leigh Sports Village, Leigh, WN7 4GY marked ‘Booking Application’.

        Casual (Occasional) Bookings

  • Customers may book to hire the facility up to 8 days in advance of the required day of hire.

        Block Bookings

  • Customers may book to hire the facility for block bookings which must be for a minimum of 12 weeks in duration.
  • Breaks within the booking must be no longer than 2 weeks in duration within each 12 weeks of the booking.
  • All breaks must be detailed at the time of booking otherwise full payment will be required for sessions not listed.

        Advanced (One Off) Bookings

  • Customers must apply on the advanced booking application form at least 14 days before the proposed date of hire.
  • The Operations Director has the right to refuse or accept a club or individual booking if he/she considers it to be against the interest/ethos of Leigh Sports Village Company.
  • The sum fixed from time to time as the amount to be paid by the hirer for the use of the said facilities per hour.
  • Leigh Sports Village Company reserves the right to increase all hire charges and shall provide a minimum of two week’s notification to the hirer prior to any increase.
  • The hirer shall be liable to pay the increased hire charge for any subsequent hiring.
    Casual (Occasional) Bookings
  • Full payment must be made by 1pm the day prior to the day of hire.
  • For advanced (one off) bookings full payment must be made 14 days before the day of hire.

        Block Bookings (including partner matrix usage)

  • Block bookings that are part of the user matrix will be billed at the end of each Month.
  • For block bookings not part of the user matrix then payment will be required for the first 3 sessions of the booking, payment of which must be made 14 days before the first session.
  • Payment can then be made on a weekly basis at the time of the booking.

        Non-payment by the terms outlined above will result in cancellation of the booking.

  • In the interest of Public Health and Safety, there will be NO SMOKING permitted within the building.
  • Smoking outside is only permitted in designated smoking areas.
  • Should it be necessary to evacuate the building in the event of an emergency or for whatever reason, an alarm will be sounded. Everyone must immediately leave the building by the nearest signed exit. Please familiarise yourself with the location of these. Identifiable Leigh Sports Village staff will be on hand to direct and assist when required.

6.1   Preference of allocation will be given to the Leigh Sports Village partners (as outlined in the Partner Matrix).

6.2   Clubs desiring an extension of time must make application to the Operations Director, giving at least one months notice in writing.

6.3   All persons shall leave the facilities at least 15 minutes before the close of the premises, or at such time on any special occasions as may be agreed in writing by the Operations Director.

6.4   The Hirer’s representative will be held responsible to ensure that Condition 6.3 is duly performed and observed.

6.5   a)     Leigh Sports Village Company shall not be responsible and the Hirer shall indemnify Leigh Sport Village Company against any claim for or in respect of accident, loss or damage sustained by any person on the premises during the time when the premises are used by the Hirer, other than accidents, loss or damage caused by the act of default of a Leigh Sports Village Company member of staff.

  1. b) In certain circumstances, Leigh Sports Village Company may require a Hirer to take out third party insurance to cover the liability of the Hirer in respect of personal injury or death or damage to property arising out of or in the course of or caused by the hiring (this applies to all clubs who supervise their own sessions). The limit of indemnity on such policy will be £5,000,000.00 for any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event in any one year or other period.  Leigh Sports Village Company reserves the right to require a Hirer to submit to Leigh Sports Village Company a policy and premium receipt for approval prior to confirmation of hiring.  Failure to comply with any of the requirements of this clause may result in the termination of the hiring.

Note:  Leigh Sports Village Company carries third party insurance in respect of claims arising due to its own negligence and that insurance extends to cover certain groups e.g. certain parent/teacher associations.  Leigh Sports Village Company does not carry third party insurance to cover any other groups in respect of third party claims.

6.6   a)     The hirer or his registered supervisory staff must ensure that they comply with the requirements of the Normal Operating Procedure and the Emergency Action Plan for the facility, namely that all sessions must be adequately supervised by competent qualified persons.

  • The Operations Director or his representative may expel or cause to be expelled from the premises any person creating a disturbance or behaving in a disorderly or indecent manner or for any other failure to observe these conditions.
  • Any damage done to the premises, fittings, conveniences or accessories of the establishment during the time when it is used and not arising from the act or default of Leigh Sports Village Company employees, shall be made good by and at the expense of the Hirer.

6.9   For those clubs/ individuals with block bookings, Leigh Sports Village Company reserves the right to vary the periods of hire offered to clubs/ individuals from one year to another.  A period of at least three months notice will be given prior to any changes taking places.

6.10 In the event of the club/ individual not requiring the facilities for any of the reserved evenings, 14 days notice (in writing) must be given to the Duty Manager/Operations Director.

6.11 a)     For the purpose of maintaining discipline and good order, the members of the clubs/ individual groups shall at all times during the periods of which the premises are let to the club/ individual, abide by these Terms and Conditions, the 3G Pitch Code of Conduct, and all other rules, regulations and bye-laws currently in force.

  1. b) In addition to Clause 6.11 (a) hereof, all persons using the premises shall observe and be bound by the 3G Pitch Code of Conduct, and all other rules, regulations and bye-laws currently in force in respect of hereof.

6.12 REPORTING OF INJURIES, DISEASES AND DANGEROUS OCCURRENCES REGULATIONS 1985: It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that any accident/incident which occurs during the period of hire is reported promptly to the Leigh Sports Village staff on duty.  If for some reason this is not possible e.g. the accident/injury does not come to light until after persons have left the premises, it must be reported to the Duty Manager/Operations Director or another senior staff member within 24 hours.

6.13 Failure to comply with any of the foregoing sections may result in the Agreement for Hire being cancelled without notice.  The Agreement may also be cancelled for other reasons e.g. failure to pay accounts.

6.14 Portable Electrical Equipment – No such equipment is permitted without prior approval of Leigh Sports Village Company.  Such equipment must conform to the Electricity At Work Regulations and only after confirmation of acceptability by the site manager may the equipment be used.